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发布日期:2023/3/15      浏览次数:1703


The inner ball roller apparatus is a non-invasive mechanical compression micro-vibrationtreatment. The principle is that the silicone ball rotates along the roller 360° to generatecompression microvibration. As the ball rotates and exerts pressure on the skin, it pro.duces a "pulsation compression" effect, reduces cellulite and removes cellulite; it alsoaffects deep muscle groups. Apply pressure to get sufficient softness and extension,thereby reducing muscle stiffness and soreness, speeding up metabolism, eliminatingstagnation and fluid accumulation, conditioning tissues and re-firming skin tissues,reshaping your body. lt can also stimulate fibroblasts, increase the production of collagenand elastin, increase blood flow and increase oxygen, and restore vitality and firmness tothe skin. This technology has been clinically proven to help tone muscles and sculpt thebody and face to rejuvenate. lt can also help redesign and tighten the chest.


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